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אדני ימאל זאת

Regularly Scheduled Events


Shabbat Service Time:

Saturday, 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM


We have oneg (covered-dish meal) every Shabbat, after the service.  If you desire to partake with us, but aren't sure what to bring, call us and we can tell you what is and is not appropriate to bring for the meal.

Torah Study Discussion

Saturdays at 3PM

Come study deeper into the Torah with us every week after service and oneg starting at 3PM.   The cost is $60 per person per year and it covers curriculum and access to a weekly video presentation that is provided by First Fruits of Zion. We'd love to have you join us!

Upcoming Events

No events at the moment

If you feel led by HaShem, we would appreciate any financial help you could give.  Many blessings and Shalom for your faithfulness to HaShem and your gift to help us continue our ministry in East Texas!

Donations can be mailed to

Adonai Yemaleh Zoht, P.O. Box 9971, Tyler, TX, 75711

Or you can click on the donate button below to donate through PayPal.

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